July Review

July 31, 2012

I started off the month continuing a series I had started in June. One of my favorites, Harry Potter. I picked up where I had left off with Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling. This story has so much detail and it is so much better then the movie. The story is just growing and pushes on with full steam. It's a a must to read!

I continued with Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J.K. Rowling. This wasn't one of my favorites when I first read it, but it has grown on me. It's full of yelling and angst from Harry, but thankfully it levels out. We're also introduced to a character I think is one of the top three villains of this series. We also lose one of the first characters we have come to love. To read!

So much info is in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince by J.K Rowling. We learn more about Voldemort's background, where he came from, and how he came to power. We also learn how he can be destroyed. Then, we lose another beloved character. To read!

The 7th and final book in the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K Rowling. Safe to say, don't love your characters too much, you may lose them. The death toll is high. We also find out that Dumbledore isn't the man we though he was. We learn who Snape really is. So many things are revealed and it is a great ending for this spectacular series. To read!

I decided it was time for a light read, so I picked up A Kiss for Cade by Lori Copeland. It is actually the 2nd in the series, didn't know that, but it was ok. The stories have different characters, so it could work as a standalone. It was quick and light read. It was a story of forgiveness, moving on from the past and a little humor. To read.

The last book I was able to read for the month was Outlaw's Bride by Lori Copeland. This was the first book in the series. Again, this can be a good standalone book. This was another light read, with humor, a story of moving on from the past, and working on past demons. The pacing seemed just a little off to me with the flow of the story, but not enough to take away to much. To read.

For July, I was able to read 6 books, which brought my total for the year up to 30. Not to bad, however, I'm still trying to decide if I want to lower my goal down a little bit from the 75 I first decided on. I have 45 more books to read to get to that goal. I would need to read 9 books a month... I'll have my decision next month if I'm going to lower it. All and all, it hasn't been a bad month for reading.

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